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Bandwidth Consumption – What's Ahead?
By Liliane Offredo-Zreik last updated
As the world dealt with COVID-19 death over the past 15 months or so, broadband has emerged as a rare bright spot

‘Cord-Kindas’: Cable Subs Without the Cable
By Carl Mayer published
Rise of streaming video has created a new class of content consumer

Building Out Broadband: Look Before You Leap
By Debra Berlyn published
Will Biden Administration plan to get everyone connected accomplish its goal?

Biden Broadband Plan Favoring Government-Owned Networks Lacks a Constitutional Foundation
By Randolph May and Seth Cooper published
Aside from significant flaws as a matter of policy, the Biden broadband plan poses serious constitutional problems

California's Net Neutrality Law Threatens Veterans' Telehealth
By Randolph May and Seth Cooper, Free State Foundation published
California’s veterans are at risk of losing access to a mobile internet app, called VA Video Connect

Who Should Pay for Universal Broadband Connectivity?
By Jonathan Spalter, USTelecom published
The Universal Service Fund is currently on an unsustainable financial path

It’s Time for a Cease Fire in the War on Lifeline
By Crystal Rhoades, Nebraska Public Service Commission published
Biden FCC should undo Emergency Broadband Benefit ‘data collection order’

Cable Operators and the Opportunity in Remote Patient Monitoring
By Liliane Offredo-Zreik last updated
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