BrightLine Study Shows Streaming Ads Get Boost From Interactivity

Brightline Beat the Clock format trivia
An interactive trivia ad from BrightLine (Image credit: BrightLine)

With more marketers moving advertising dollars to streaming, BrightLine, a pioneer in interactive commercials, has produced a study to show that the new more immersive formats enabled by streaming produce positive results.

In a report outlining the study, BrightLine seeks to answer the question: “As platforms push remaining viewers toward streaming and advertisers follow, how can advertisers utilize streaming to stand out and break through?”

Spoiler alert: the answer at the end of the study is, “If you’re only going to choose one streaming ad format: choose interactive. A single impression of interactive media drives more impact than a single impression of a standard video spot.”

Brightline’s interactive ad formats have been adopted and adapted by media companies including The Walt Disney Co., NBCUniversal, Paramount Plus, Roku and Vizio.

BrightLine worked with MediaScience on the study, which was designed to compare single exposures to standard video ads with interactive video ads. The study also looked at what happens when standard ads are paired with interactive ads and how much multiple exposures to an interactive ad can move the needle.

A single exposure to an interactive ad led to brand recall scores that were 36% higher than a single exposure to a standard video ad, the study found. Aided recall got a smaller boost and message recall was about the same.

When viewers see both a standard commercial and an interactive video ad, unaided recall jumps 58%, aided recall increases 22% and message recall gains 47%.

A second exposure to the interactive video increases recall by double digits, the study found.

“When combined with standard video, the pairing adds an incremental impact and lifts memory recall even higher than either format individually,” the study concluded. “Similarly, two exposures to interactive media have an incremental impact, suggesting that the more you utilize interactive ads, the more that your brand will stay top of mind.”

Jon Lafayette

Jon has been business editor of Broadcasting+Cable since 2010. He focuses on revenue-generating activities, including advertising and distribution, as well as executive intrigue and merger and acquisition activity. Just about any story is fair game, if a dollar sign can make its way into the article. Before B+C, Jon covered the industry for TVWeek, Cable World, Electronic Media, Advertising Age and The New York Post. A native New Yorker, Jon is hiding in plain sight in the suburbs of Chicago.