
Appointments at King World Productions, Los Angeles: Jose Pretlow,
executive producer, Leeza, Paramount Pictures, Los Angeles, named executive producer, Ananda; Mary Duffy, executive producer, Curtis Court, promoted to senior executive producer.

Appointments at Univision: Judy Kenny,
VP, New York network sales, named senior VP; Dan Thomas,
VP, sales development and new media, Lifetime Television, New York, joins as senior VP, sales development and marketing; Peter Pouliopoulos,
account executive, network sales, Los Angeles, named VP, sales development and marketing; Sebastian M. Trujillo,
account executive, network sales, Miami, Fla., named Southeast sales manager; Shirley Cedeno-Peltier,
account executive, Orange County national sales, Irvine, Calif., promoted to manager.

Caroline Waddell,
publicist, WCVB-TV Boston, promoted to media relations manager.

Appointments at KMOL-TV, San Antonio: Brooks Hogg, VP/GM, KPXL(TV), Uvalde, Texas joins as director, sales; Leslie Perry, account executive, KRIV(TV) Houston, joins as regional sales manager.