WPLX(AM) Memphis, Tenn., and KSUD(AM) West Memphis, Ark./Memphis and KSUD-FM (formerly KAFW[AM]) Turrell, Ark./Memphis

Price: $2.6 million

Buyer: Educational Media Foundation, Sacramento, Calif. (K. Richard Jenkins, president); owns/is buying two other AMs and 24 other FMs

Seller: William H. Pollack, Memphis; owns two TVs, four AMs and four FMs

Facilities: ksud(am): 730 kHz, 250 W; KSUD-FM: 94.7 MHz, 6 kW, ant. 328 ft.; wplx(am): 1170 kHz, 1 kW

Formats: wplx: adult standards; ksud-am-fm: Christian

Broker: John W. Saunders

WCLE(AM) Cleveland/Chattanooga-WCLE-FM Calhoun/Cleveland/ Chattanooga, Tenn.

Price: $2.05 million

Buyer: Whitfield Communications Inc., Cleveland (Paul G. Fink, president/50% owner; Gilbert H. Watts Jr., chairman/50% owner); owns WSEV(FM) (formerly wdly) Gatlinburg and WSEV(AM) Sevierville/Gatlinburg, Tenn.; is buying WOCE(FM) Benton/Cleveland/ Chattanooga, Tenn. Fink and Watts also have interest in company is selling two AMs and two FMs

Seller: Randall W. Sliger, Athens, Tenn.; owns WYGO(FM) Madisonville, Tenn.

Facilities: AM: 1570 kHz, 5 kW day, 84 W night; FM: 104.1 MHz, 2.3 kW, ant. 522 ft.

Formats: AM: C & W; FM: country

Broker: Miller-Isbell Media Services

KLDI(AM)-KRQU(FM) Laramie/Cheyenne, Wyo.

Price: $875,000

Buyer: Laramie Mountain Broadcasting LLC, Cheyenne, Wyo. (Victor A. Michael Jr., 100% member). Michael is president/joint owner of company that owns KMLD(FM), KTRS-FM and KWYY(FM) Casper and KRRR(FM) Cheyenne, Wyo.; is general partner in company building three FMs and applying to build two more FMs

Seller: Chaparral Broadcasting Inc., Stamford, Conn. (Jerrold Lundquist, principal); owns/is buying three AMs and four FMs and has applied to build FM in Diamondville, Wyo.

Facilities: AM: 1210 kHz, 10 kW day, 1 kW night; FM: 102.9 MHz, 100 kW, ant. 1,220 ft.

Formats: AM: oldies; FM: classic rock

Broker: McCoy Broadcast Brokerage