
WICC(AM) Bridgeport, WINE(AM)-WRKI(FM) Brookfield, WEBE(FM) Westport, all Conn.; WPUT(AM)-WAXB(FM) Patterson, WFAS-AM-FM White Plains, WFAF(FM) Mount Kisco, all N.Y.

Price: $185 million;$150 million cash plus $35 million stock.

Buyer: Nassau Broadcasting Partners, L.P., Princeton, N.J. Lou Mercatanti, president and CEO; Spectrum Equity Investors, Palo Alto/Boston, 45.4%; Grotech Partners IV LP, 12.3%; Toronto Dominion Capital 12.3%; Mercatanti 25%; various employees, 5%; Nassau also owns 11 FMs and 10 AMs and is purchasing weex(am)-wode(fm) Allentown, Pa., from Clear Channel Communications.

Seller: Aurora Communications, Bridgeport, Conn.; Bank of America owns 86%(nonattributable) interest; Aurora co-founders Frank Osborn (president and CEO), 7% , and Frank Washington, 2%; Heller Financial, 2%; Union Bank, 2%; and Aurora executive Vince Cremona, 1%.

Facilities: Wicc: 600 kHz, 1 kW; wine: 940 kHz, .68 kW; wrki: 95.1 MHz, 50 kW, ant. 500 ft.; webe: 107.9 MHz, 50 kW, 383 ft.; wput: 1510 kHz, 1 kW; waxb: 105.5 MHz, 1.5 kW, ant. 460 ft.; wfas: 1230 kHz, 1 kW; wfas: 103.9 MHz, 60 kW, ant. 669 ft.; wfaf: 106.3 MHz, 1.4 kW, ant. 305 ft.

Formats: Wicc: news/talk; wine: country; wrki: aor; webe: AC; wput: country; waxb: oldies; wfas(am): news/talk; WFAS(FM): AC; wfaf: AC.

Broker: Merrill Lynch.

KAUS-AM-FM Austin, and KEEZ-FM Mancato, both Minn.

Price: $10 million

Buyer: Three Eagles Broadcasting, Lincoln, Neb. Three Eagles is principally owned by Rolland Johnson and also owns 24 radio stations in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado and Minnesota.

Seller: Nolan Broadcast Group, Austin, Minn. (Mike Nolan, president). It has no other broadcast interests.

Facilities: KAUS-AM: 1480 kHz, 1 kW; KAUS-FM: 99.9 MHz, 100 kW; keez: 99.1, 100 kW, ant. 864 ft.

Formats: KAUS-AM: oldies/AC/news-talk; KAUS-FM: country; keez: hot AC

Broker: Donald K. Clark Inc.

WIEL(AM) Elizabethtown; WRZI-FM Vine Grove; WKMO-FM Hodgenville, all Kentucky

Price: $1.8 million

Buyer: Commonwealth Broadcasting, Glasgow, Ky. Steven Newberry is president and principal owner. He also owns 27 other radio stations, primarily in Kentucky.

Seller: Basix Communications, Elizabethtown, Ky. Ross Becker is president and principal owner. He has no other broadcast interests.

Facilities: Wiel: 1400 kHz, 1 kW; wrzi: 101.5 MHz, 6 kW, ant. 328 ft.; wkmo: 106.3 MHz, 3 kW, ant. 400 ft.

Formats: Wiel: oldies; wrzi: Hot AC; wkmo: country.

Broker: Media Services Group.