Comcast Beefs Up Western Division

Comcast Corp. Western division president Joseph J. Fischer announced the
addition Tuesday of one-dozen cable- and technology-industry veterans to lead
engineering and operations efforts.

They are:

\u0007 Bill Bowyer, director of security, who previously oversaw security for
AT&T Broadband in central California;

\u0007 Ray Clarke, director of upgrade, formerly area project manager for
Comcast's Atlantic division;

\u0007 Joe Mardesich, director of engineering, formerly distinguished technical
consultant for WorldCom Broadband Solutions;

\u0007 Alton Morton, director of technical operations, previously Bay-area-market
technical-operations manager for AT&T Broadband;

\u0007 Lisa Parry, director of project-management office;

\u0007 Steve Stugard, director of technical financial operations;

\u0007 Patty Fowler, project manager, previously advanced services director,
Bay-area market at AT&T Broadband;

\u0007 Mark Harrigan, manager of compliance;

\u0007 Mary Hughes, project manager;

\u0007 Gerry Higgins, payroll manager, formerly Bay-area payroll/human-resources

\u0007 Sonia Mehta, assistant controller, previously with the options and
financial-engineering division at the Chicago Board of Trade; and

\u0007 Michael White, assistant controller, general ledger, formerly corporate
controller at ClearBlue Technologies Management Inc.