Dish Bolts on Blockbuster Hybrid DVD, Streaming Service

Dish Network is angling to shore up its declining subscriber base -- and poach disgruntled Netflix subscribers -- with Blockbuster Movie Pass, a hybrid DVD-by-mail and streaming service starting at $10 extra per month.

Initially, Dish will offer the Internet-video service only to its satellite TV customers. Non-Dish subs will be able to sign up for Blockbuster service soon, executives said.

The Blockbuster Movie Pass service, available starting Oct. 1, will include: 100,000-plus movies, TV shows and videogames available by mail; 3,000 movies available on the TV; and more than 4,000 movies streamed to a PCs.

"We're totally focused on the needs of the consumer and the vulnerabilities of our competitors," said Dish CEO Joe Clayton at a press conference in San Francisco last Friday (Sept. 16).

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