Effectv Brings Audience Addressable Campaigns To Regional, Local Clients

(Image credit: Effectv)

Comcast’s Effectv advertising-sales unit said it will be able to offer Audience Addressable targeted ad campaigns to regional and local marketers, in addition to national advertisers.

Audience Addressable uses Comcast’s deterministic data and authenticated audiences to ensure commercials are sent to viewers the client wants to target in premium programming across linear, video-on-demand and streaming platforms.

“In today’s fragmented ad landscape, marketers are rightly concerned about data quality due to signal loss,“ Effectv executive VP and general manager Pooja Midha said. “For advertising to work, brands need efficient, accurate ways to reach valuable audiences. 

“We’ve seen a surge in national advertisers buying addressable TV fueled by aggregated Comcast data insights that offer initial audience match rates as high as 95% — much higher than IP address match rates,” she added. “We’re thrilled to be able to bring our Audience Addressable solution and its heightened precision to regional and local advertisers, enabling them to better reach their strategic audiences with accuracy, efficiency, and scale.” 

Effectv is working with FreeWheel, Comcast’s ad tech company, to scale up its new offering.

Effectv sees demand for regional and local addressable campaigns particularly from political advertisers and auto marketers.

“This is an incredibly powerful tool for political advertisers, as it’s crucial they have the ability to reach potential voters and speak to constituents on important issues at a local level for down-ballot elections, or when hyper-targeting specific voter or audience segments for broader state-wide campaigns,” Effectv VP, political sales Chris Vail said. “With the availability of the Audience Addressable solution, political advertisers can more precisely target and reach voting households with messaging that is relevant. This is essential as they ramp up to a general election this November and should be in every advertiser’s media strategy.” 

EffecTV said that some advertisers are already seeing strong results from addressable campaigns.

“We’re really pleased with the success and results we’ve seen since incorporating Effectv’s Audience Addressable in our media plans,” said Scott Tolland, founder of media buyer The Tolland Group. “In the auto sector, especially, this solution is well timed. Think about it: Buying a vehicle, whether new or used, is no small decision and because of this, we have to really put the customer first and keep their needs and what they’re looking for in mind. Addressability really helps add that custom, personalized touch and that’s a big part of why we think this solution is so effective.”

Jon Lafayette

Jon has been business editor of Broadcasting+Cable since 2010. He focuses on revenue-generating activities, including advertising and distribution, as well as executive intrigue and merger and acquisition activity. Just about any story is fair game, if a dollar sign can make its way into the article. Before B+C, Jon covered the industry for TVWeek, Cable World, Electronic Media, Advertising Age and The New York Post. A native New Yorker, Jon is hiding in plain sight in the suburbs of Chicago.