Free TV Company Telly Names Mike Shehan as CRO

Mike Shehan
Mike Shehan (Image credit: Telly)

Telly, the company that made a splash last year by offering free TVs to consumers in exchange for their viewing data, said it hired Mike Shehan as its first chief revenue officer.

Shehan was previously co-founder and CEO of SpotX, which was acquired by Magnite for $1.2 billion. Some of that cash was invested in Telly. At Telly, he will focus on expanding the company’s advertising capabilities and building relationships with marketers, buyers, programmers and programmatic platforms.

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“Mike’s track record at SpotX, transforming the future of global TV advertising through digital innovation, uniquely positions him to lead our efforts reinventing consumer engagement on the biggest screen in the home,” Telly founder and CEO Ilya Pozin said.

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Since selling SpotX, Shehan has run Roster Capital, a venture-capital company, and has been a director and investor in several tech startups.

“I have been at the forefront of the CTV industry since its inception, working alongside nearly every leading device manufacturer, broadcaster, and streamer globally,” Shehan said. “In my experience, nothing rivals the richness, depth, and precision of Telly’s audience data. The unparalleled value proposition of providing the smartest TV for free to consumers in exchange for never-before-available data insights translates directly into delivering exceptional value to advertisers and content partners alike.”

Jon Lafayette

Jon has been business editor of Broadcasting+Cable since 2010. He focuses on revenue-generating activities, including advertising and distribution, as well as executive intrigue and merger and acquisition activity. Just about any story is fair game, if a dollar sign can make its way into the article. Before B+C, Jon covered the industry for TVWeek, Cable World, Electronic Media, Advertising Age and The New York Post. A native New Yorker, Jon is hiding in plain sight in the suburbs of Chicago.