Marketers Seek out Social Video

Marketers are no longer only asking for traditional ad
placements, but broadening their expectations of agencies to include social
video in the hopes of earning the coveted "viral" title, AdAge

Agencies are becoming more adept in the distribution of
such specialized video, but there is still a chance that the video will not spread
as expected.  

"We're not really sure what's going to take, what
the pass-along will be," said Michael Hayes, president of digital for
Initiative, which handles media for Kia, which has had success with its Soul
Hamsters and L.A. Clippers videos.

Marketers' online strategies have become focused on the
creation and distribution of video via the internet, especially with the growing
prevalence of social networking; they are now asking for new metrics, such as
social shares, which is how often the ad was shared through YouTube, Facebook
and Twitter. The share represents a lower overall cost to reach 1,000 people and
greater engagement with those that pass along the video.

Marketers are also seeking to create viral videos because
premium ad inventory - television, Hulu or professional content on YouTube - is
often sold out or very expensive.  However,
agencies are still touting their levels of "earned" media as bonuses, not

Video-seeding firms like TubeMogul, Sharethrough and
Visible Measures have developed strategies, technology and analytics specifically
for online video.

"The traditional model was, 'he who had the most
money bought the most air time and could get in front of the most
consumers,'" said Brian Shin, CEO of Visible Measures. "Now,
consumers are doing the distributing -- it's a realization that consumers are
driving everything."

The creative agencies are feeling more pressure to
develop content worth of the viral video. But the "earned" impression does not
translate to "free," since money spent on online marketing would go to the
creative agencies and those who perform the social media work.