Meet or Delete All Over MTVN

MTV Networks will debut dating series Meet or Delete to a global audience and across every one of its platforms.

The series -- developed in collaboration with Hewlett-Packard Co.'s PC business as a core component of its new global marketing campaign -- follows college students as they size each other up and decide if they'd like to meet based solely on the contents of their hard drives.

Meet or Delete will premiere on mtvU Uber at ( May 10 and subsequently debut across the programmer’s global network, including local channels in Europe, the Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Five more episodes will follow in the fall.

In addition, each local MTV channel outside of the United States will air another four locally produced episodes of Meet or Delete on-air, online and on wireless handsets.

And MTV and mtvU are launching 14 regionalized Meet or Delete online hubs with episodes from around the globe, unseen footage, interactive games, free music downloads, updates on previous cast members, casting calls and more.

“PCs have become the emotional hard drive of our global audience, making the premise of Meet or Delete relevant everywhere in the world," MTVN president and chief operating officer Michael Wolf said in a prepared statement.

“We're thrilled to collaborate with H-P on this groundbreaking project -- a milestone in our drive to deliver great content, worldwide, on every device -- and it's a prime example of the innovative programs we're developing for top global companies,” he added.