More Consumers Edge Toward 4K TVs: Survey

As awareness of 4K continues its slow climb, a greater number of consumers are gravitating to TVs that support the next-gen video format, according to a new study from The NPD Group.

NPD’s Connected Intelligence Connected Home Survey, based on a panel of 5,364 U.S. adults, found that 38% are “very, or somewhat, likely to use a 4K TV in the future,” up 5% since results from Q1 2016.

Related: UFC Gets 4K Live-Streaming Treatment

NPD’s study also found that, as of Q3, 87% of installed 4K TVs had active internet connections, illustrating that those consumers are among those most eager to stream content amid the growing availably of 4K-capable OTT devices from companies such as Amazon, Roku and Google.

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