Multiplatform World: Comcast's Strauss Says VOD Poised for More Growth

New York -- Comcast's video-on-demand programming is poised
for growth on several levels.

Matt Strauss, senior VP of digital and emerging
platforms at Comcast Cable, speaking at NewBay Media's "TV in a
Multiplatform World" event here Thursday, said the platform's viewership,
promotional and monetization aspects are accelerating.

Whereas kids, music and movies have been the traditional
on-demand drivers, VOD viewing of TV series is now on the climb. Strauss said
that over the past 24 months, as more cable and broadcast television series
content has become available, this form of VOD usage has soared and now
represents 40% of platform viewing, excluding premium fare.

Strauss said Comcast is the only provider that has content
available from all five broadcast networks. In addition to increased on-demand
consumption, the MSO has seen a 15%-20% rise in C3 viewing since it disabled
the platform's fast-forward function. "Monetization follows audience," said
Straus, noting that Comcast is working closely with Nielsen regarding on-demand
C3 measurement.

here to read the full story at Multichannel News.