Oracle Adds Attention Data From TVision to Moat Reach

(Image credit: TVision)

Oracle Data Cloud said it is adding attention data to its Moat Reach production, which offers real time audience measurement across digital and TV advertising.

With the TVision data, Moat Reach can tell advertisers how many people in the room are watching their commercials, whether they are co-viewing and how much attention is being captured.

Marketers can use those insights to better understand how much of their cross-platform ad spend is reaching the right audience with an impression they actually see to iterate and optimize their campaigns in the future.

“We are excited to work with Moat Reach to combine our person-level, second-by-second TV attention data with their digital attention metrics. Attention is the most valuable resource to measure campaign engagement, and Moat Reach, with TVision data, allows brands and advertisers to drive the most value from their ad budgets,” said Yan Liu, CEO and co-founder of TVision.

“This is a first, but vitally important, step to allowing TV and digital media to be compared on a level playing field, making sure that marketers know that ‘Reach’ really means ‘reached,’ whether the ad played to an empty room or to a room full of friends,” said Kevin Whitcher, VP of new product development at Oracle Data Cloud in a blog post.

“Working together, Moat Reach and TVision are cutting through the cross-channel confusion to better measure results at the person-by-person, second-by-second level that helps marketers understand whether people truly saw their ad across TV and digital,” Whitcher said. “Together, we are transforming cross-platform measurement and helping marketers reduce waste and increase advertising effectiveness within TV.”

Jon Lafayette

Jon has been business editor of Broadcasting+Cable since 2010. He focuses on revenue-generating activities, including advertising and distribution, as well as executive intrigue and merger and acquisition activity. Just about any story is fair game, if a dollar sign can make its way into the article. Before B+C, Jon covered the industry for TVWeek, Cable World, Electronic Media, Advertising Age and The New York Post. A native New Yorker, Jon is hiding in plain sight in the suburbs of Chicago.