Reed Hastings Backs Harris Campaign With $7 Million Donation

Reed Hastings
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Netflix chairman Reed Hastings has given $7 million to a super PAC supporting Vice President Kamala Harris’ run for president, according to a report by The Information on Tuesday.

The publication said that this was the largest donation Hastings has ever given in support of a single candidate.

Hastings was reportedly encouraged to donate by Reid Hoffman, Democratic donor and co-founder of LinkedIn.

Also Read: Netflix Co-Founder Reed Hastings Sticks His Neck Out on Biden Debate

While the Netflix co-founder and former CEO seemed initially cautious to endorse Harris, writing on X Sunday,  “Dem delegates need to pick a swing state winner." 

But after Harris won enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination Monday evening, Hastings quickly took to the app to congratulate her, stating that “now it is time to win.”

This comes just weeks after Hastings, among other media titans, publicly called for President Joe Biden to withdraw from the race.

Earlier this month, Hastings even wrote an email to The New York Times saying, “Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous.”

The coordinated Harris campaign reported Wednesday morning that it had raised more than $250 million in donations for the Democratic party between Sunday afternoon, when Biden withdrew from the race, and Tuesday evening.

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Jack Reid is a USC Annenberg Journalism major with experience reporting, producing and writing for Annenberg Media. He has also served as a video editor, showrunner and live-anchor during his time in the field.