SCTE's 2011 Cable-Tec Expo Set For Atlanta in November

The Society of Cable & Telecommunications Engineers' flagship
Cable-Tec Expo next year is scheduled for Nov. 16-18, 2011, in Atlanta,
as the event takes a hiatus from the cable industry's weeklong cluster
of events.Traditionally, Cable-Tec Expo had been held in May or June.
SCTE agreed to move the conference to the fall starting in 2009, as
part of the industry's twice-yearly Cable Connection cluster of events.
That effort was led by the National Cable & Telecommunications
Association at the direction of the NCTA's board of directors.

year's Cable Connection Fall 2010 week in New Orleans encompasses the
Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing's CTAM Summit
Oct. 18-20, followed by SCTE Cable-Tec Expo, Oct. 20-22.

Next year, however, the CTAM Summit currently is scheduled for Oct. 5-7, 2011,
at New York City's Marriott Marquis as part of cable's Diversity Week
with the NAMIC and WICT conferences. In 2012, CTAM Summit and the events
will again be scheduled for the same week in mid-October, currently
Oct. 14-19, 2012, in Orlando, according to the NCTA.

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