SRI Ventures Launches Vitrina AI To Map Worldwide Supply of Video

Atul Phadnis Vitrina AI
(Image credit: Vitrina AI)

SRI Ventures said it launched Vitrina AI, which has built a platform that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to track and facilitate international video content transactions.

The platform is designed to connect video content producers, service providers and buyers to studios, production houses, distributors, streaming services and provide information about their capabilities, catalogs, deals, clients and projects.

“Currently, the international video content exchange process is opaque, cumbersome and expensive. Between challenges like language barriers, varying legal structures and different business and cultural norms, it remains arduous to source, distribute and adapt content across borders,” said Atul Phadnis, CEO & founder of Vitrina AI. “With Vitrina AI’s proprietary platform powered by SRI’s AI technology, we have created a solution that will significantly expedite and simplify cross-border dealmaking by bringing industry intelligence, company connections and negotiation capabilities all under one platform.”

Beginning July 1, users of the platform can search by market or genre and monitor long-term content transaction trends. They can also connect directly and use Vitrina AI’s virtual deal rooms to conduct secure negotiations.

Vitrina AI started out in SRI International’s incubator. It recently completed a seed funding round led by Unlock Venture Partners. Other investors included Emergent Ventures, GravityRanch Ventures, Alumni Ventures Group, Arka Labs and Sparq Capital. 

The company is also backed by Mitch Barns (former CEO of Nielsen), Jon Oringer (founder and Chairman of Shutterstock), Steve Ciesinski (Faculty at Stanford Graduate School of Business) and Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs group.

“The fundamental shifts in the video industry due to digital streaming, globalization and the rationalizing of cost structures have created the perfect backdrop for a platform like Vitrina AI. The use of AI in mapping the global video supply chain and tracking regional market deals trends, combined with the team's relevant domain experience, provides the company with the right sensibility and technology to succeed,” said Sanjay Reddy, Partner at Unlock Venture Partners.

Jon Lafayette

Jon has been business editor of Broadcasting+Cable since 2010. He focuses on revenue-generating activities, including advertising and distribution, as well as executive intrigue and merger and acquisition activity. Just about any story is fair game, if a dollar sign can make its way into the article. Before B+C, Jon covered the industry for TVWeek, Cable World, Electronic Media, Advertising Age and The New York Post. A native New Yorker, Jon is hiding in plain sight in the suburbs of Chicago.