Survey Shows Drop in Cord-Cutting Trend

Amid recent improvements in cable’s pay-TV performance, a new survey from TDG Research found that the percentage of adult broadband users (ADUs) who were moderately or highly likely to cancel their pay-TV service in the next six months dropped 20% since last year. 

"Cord cutting proclivities have held steady for several years, with approximately 7% of ABU pay-TV subscribers moderately or highly likely to cancel their service in the six months following the survey,” TDG cofounder and director of research Michael Greeson said in a statement. “In early 2015, however, the number declined to 5.7%. This is the first time in five years we've seen significant change in these metrics."

Additionally, the group of consumers saying they “definitely will cancel” their pay-TV service in the next six months has been cut in half—down from 2.9% in early 2014 to 1.4% in early 2015, TDG said.

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