Latest CTA

Tech Companies Pitch Telehealth Priorities
By John Eggerton published
Look to innovation to correct healthcare access inequities

CTA: Tech Already Defrays FCC Costs in Big Way
By John Eggerton last updated
Said NAB proposal to expand fee base to unlicensed users would defy precedent, hurt consumers

Tech Groups Have Issues with FCC Device Security Proposals
By John Eggerton published
Say it is unclear commission has the authority to shift focus of reviews

CTA to FTC: Leave Vertical Merger Guidelines Alone
By John Eggerton published
Trade group says they should stay, or agency should gather robust public comment before axing them

Set-top Agreements Saved Consumers $2 Billion-plus in 2020
By John Eggerton last updated
CTA report finds energy efficiency standards pay off for customers

CES Will Require Attendees Provide Proof of Vaccination
By Jon Lafayette last updated
Digital event planned for those unable to travel to Las Vegas

Next Gen TV Backers Seek Answers at Conferences
By Gary Arlen published
ATSC set to meet Aug. 25-26 ahead of CEDIA, NAB Show in milestones for ATSC 3.0.

CTA's Gary Shapiro: Big Tech, Speech Are Under Attack
By John Eggerton last updated
Warns that country is deviating from path of First Amendment righteousness
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