Latest CTV

GroupM Forecasts U.S. TV Ad Spending Edging up in 2023
By Jon Lafayette last updated
Decline in traditional TV offset by growth in CTV

iSpot Buys TVision Stake in $16 Million CTV Ratings Deal
By Jon Lafayette last updated
iSpot gets exclusive person-level data from TVision panel

Connected TV Advertising's Big Secret: Two Can Be a Crowd (Bloom)
By David Bloom published
Co-viewing is as old as TV itself, and new research says that 80% of CTV is watched by two or more viewers in a household at the same time … which majorly undermines CTV’s tightly targeted value proposition

Political Advertisers Are Trading Zip Codes for Congressional Districts on CTV
By Joe Marino published

Here's Why Brand Building Is CTV’s Best Shot
By Chris Kelly published
Four things broadcasters must remember as they establish their CTV measurement strategy

Half of Innovid's Ad Impressions Were CTV During Second Quarter
By Jon Lafayette published
CTV impression volume up 23%

Streaming Channel Being Launched by Spin Magazine and Best Ever Channels
By Jon Lafayette published
Debut expected in Q4 2022 or Q1 2023
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