Jessica Rosenworcel
Latest Jessica Rosenworcel

FCC Chair: Regulatory Authority Over Streaming Must Come From Congress
By John Eggerton published
Jessica Rosenworcel doubles down on her view that agency lacks authority at present

FCC Proposes Banning Pay TV Early-Termination Fees
By John Eggerton published
Chair Jessica Rosenworcel calls them anti-competitive junk fees

FCC Pushes ‘Facts’ for Title II Net Neutrality Redux
By John Eggerton published
Democrat-controlled agency looks to make case for move that could well wind up back in court

FCC Chief Rosenworcel Floats Refunds During Pay TV Retrans Battles
By John Eggerton published
Proposal would require notice when channels go dark and subscribers to be compensated for extended blackouts

FCC Chair Rosenworcel Tees Up Return of Net Neutrality Rule
By John Eggerton published
Plans to outline effort at Tuesday speech at National Press Club

FCC Chief Rosenworcel: Universal Broadband Means Its Universally Affordable
By John Eggerton published
Expanding Section 706 metrics for reasonable deployment could give agency more regulatory muscle over ISPs

FCC Chief Rosenworcel Open to Beefing Up Agency’s Power Over Retrans Disputes
By John Eggerton published
Tells R.I. lawmakers she ‘welcomes’ chance to better protect consumers from blackouts

Broadband Providers Can Challenge Location Data Starting This Month
By John Eggerton last updated
Commission said those challenges will help refine fixed broadband availability maps
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