Jessica Rosenworcel
Latest Jessica Rosenworcel

Groups Push Biden for Fifth FCC Commissioner
By John Eggerton last updated
Say time is flying on issues like Title II, broadcast re-regulation

Will the NAB’s Victory in Prometheus Radio Project Stand?
By William Kolasky, Philip Giordano last updated

FCC's Jessica Rosenworcel Asks Broadcasters to Promote Broadband
By John Eggerton last updated
Says as first informers, they can get word out to eligible EBB recipients

GOP Leaders Warn FCC's Rosenworcel Against 'Stringent' Net Neutrality Regs
By John Eggerton published
Cite California law as bungled attempt to fill non-existent void

Commissioner Brendan Carr Praises Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel's FCC Stewardship
By John Eggerton published
Says he also supports basic net neutrality rules, just not under Title II

FCC Promotes its Speed App as Helping Gauge 'Truly' Available Broadband
By John Eggerton published
Said it will protect privacy and security of data

FCC's Jessica Rosenworcel on 5G Security: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
By John Eggerton published
But says horror movie scenario can be avoided with right plan

FCC's Jessica Rosenworcel: Broadband Mapping Improvement 'in Months' Is Doable
By John Eggerton published
But does not commit to an exact time frame
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