smart tv
Latest smart tv

Saturated Much? 87% of U.S. Homes Now Have a Connected TV Device
By Daniel Frankel last updated
Smart TV penetration is up 13 points in just two years, according to Leichtman Research Group

Are Sluggish Smart TV Shipments Really Behind the Growth Problems for Netflix and Other Streamers? Just Look at This Chart
By Daniel Frankel published
Supply chain issues will drop unit shipments 13% in the U.S. alone this year

Pundits Declare OTT Dongles 'Dead' Following Samsung NewFront Presentation
By Daniel Frankel last updated
One billion smart TVs will be sold in the next four years, according to Evan Shapiro, and not one of them will need an HDMI stick or hockey puck to connect to the internet

Vizio Offers Promotional Discounts on Streaming Services
By Jon Lafayette published
Smart TV set users get to try out Apple TV Plus, Discovery Plus, FuboTV

LG Ads Lands a Big One — Omnicom Group
By Daniel Frankel last updated
The world‘s second-biggest media agency, which represents McDonald‘s, Apple, Unilever and Johnson & Johnson, will integrate LG Ads CTV inventory into its ad buying systems

Samsung Unveils Google TV-like Home Screen, Nifty New Self-charging Remote (CES 2022)
By Daniel Frankel last updated
Korean smart TV leader also touts new 'NFT Aggregation Platform'

Why Comcast’s Euro Sky Glass Initiative Is the Future Of U.S. Pay TV, Too
By Alan Wolk last updated
Wolk: Leasing a smart TV is great way to lock a customer into video and broadband service

Samsung, Vizio and LG Will See 4.5x Growth in Ad Revenue to $6.17 Billion, TV[R]EV Predicts
By Daniel Frankel published
Report says the ‘Big 3’ smart TV OEMs are about to have their moment as integrated streaming OS replaces the dongle
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