Standard Media Index
Latest Standard Media Index

Standard Media Index Names Li VP, Sales, for Canada
By Jon Lafayette last updated
Standard Media Index said it appointed Darrick Li as VP, sales and client services in Canada, where the ad spending intelligence service recently started doing business in April.

Ad Revenue Drops 37.1% in English-Speaking Markets
By Jon Lafayette last updated
The global COVID-19 pandemic reduced advertising revenue by 37.1% in the largely English-speaking markets where Standard Media Index operates, the company said in a new report.

SMI Appoints Keown to VP, Marketing Post
By Jon Lafayette last updated
Ad intelligence company Standard Media Index said it named Jason Keown as VP, marketing, a new position.

TV Ad Revenue Decline Slowed to 9% in June
By Jon Lafayette published
The drop in national TV ad revenue continues to slow, with June figures showing an 9% decline, leaving the second-quarter down 19%.

Standard Media Index Names Tatta President
By Jon Lafayette published
Ben Tatta, a veteran TV data executive, has joined ad intelligence company Standard Media Index as president.

TV Ad Revenue Shows Smaller 23% Drop in May
By Jon Lafayette last updated
Television advertising revenues posted a smaller drop in May than in April as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to disrupt business, according to new figures from Standard Media Index.

National TV Ad Revenue Down 27% in April: SMI
By Jon Lafayette published
Spending in scatter down 36%

Television Ad Revenue Down 41% in April: SMI
By Jon Lafayette published
Spot, local take biggest hits
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